02/06/09 Training in Progress


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So this week I have run each day. Monday – 2 miles at the Y, Tuesday – 5 miles at the Y, Wednesday – 2 miles at the Y, Thursday – 5 miles at the Y. This has been the first week to run each day and it has went pretty good. As we are starting to pile up the miles we have to be careful and wary of those hidden hazards that can sideline us for days or worse.  I was reading this months issue of “Runners World” and there was an article intitled “Foot Notes – Are you steps away from injury? Ask you feet” and it highlighted some foot problems that anyone could have. Black toenail (I’ve had this) can be caused by shoes that are to tight or toenails that are to long.  Calluses are also a problem that most of us have or will have. Where they develop can indicate a problem with running mechanics like overpronation or supination (rolling your foot inward or outward before landing). The article also went on to talk about bunions, neuroma and plantar fasciitis. The importance of taking care of your feet can be compared to a house and its foundation. Roy DeFrancis, D.P.M president NY Podiatric Medical Association says “A house without a strong foundation is likely to crumble”. Tomorrow brings our next LONG RUN and beautiful weather to go with it. Be sure to bring water. I am going to take water over to the 3-3.5 mile mark so that we can have some during the run.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone and a couple of newcomers.

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